December 05, 2003

I read that article about the stature weeping blood. And the new disney hall was in one of the articles in time. but the statue, i don't know, they also had one of those dateline/primetime things where they interviewed people about statue that wept blood. it's so odd. i don't seems like a hoax...but they can't take apart the statue to see why it odd. it's interesting though. and the disney hall. hm...i really want to go there and listen to some kind of music. i read that the acoustics were supposed to be the ultimate thing...maybe they engineered the hall to be too sensitive to sound. i wouldn't like to listen to other distracting noises while listening to the music. i guess it can't hold too many people or else there will be too much noise. they shouldn't let people get up during the performance and they shouldn't let people come in late either. really interesting....

December 04, 2003

Statue Weeping Blood...something about it in english...

link's there.

wasn't there something like this brought up in english? vinu, sharon, do you remember??? odd. something about it in antigone. ooohhh!!! i remember, one of the odes. it had an allusion to something that said someone was turned into stone but could still weep blood.

they're still trying to figure out if it's just a hoax....which it probably is. interesting though...


luv from nina

December 03, 2003

Ok, i'm up for any politics. war. bush. economy. stuff like that. united nations. i'm all out for politics if no one else wants it. nina...we can split it if you want to do some too. i dunno...can't think of anything else myself...but if i see anything..i'll let u guys know...namarie.

Hi guys! like the new colors? i do. hehe...well...gotta go eat dinner. i was writing a comment for nina's story...but the internet went down and i lost it. sigh...oh well. well...gotta go now. namarie.


well there's the link. it's about this german who actually killed and ate someone...what was worse was that he said it was like communion and the victim wanted to be killed and eaten...quite disgusting so don't read right after dinner....

do yall think that the person has the right to do this if the victim was willing? he actually went online and asked people if they wanted him to eat them. and people actually responded....freaks.

or maybe he only did this because it was his "religion", his own religion that is. he said he wanted a "little brother" to be "part of him". so if this was his views (and he thought it was right) and the victim was willing, is it murder? or just a religious practice....

i personally think that this guy was mentally ill, of course. but that's a fair question ya kno...

see yall


luv from nina

topics yam??? ummm ok... i dunno if these count as topics but owell....

consumer reports
good tv shows or new events (ie 48 hours etc)
tech news (new gadgets etc)
science (new discoveries)

that's all i can think of now....i'll search around for some interesting stories...


luv from nina

ok guys...i think we need to pick some topics that we are going to 'report' on here. and pleez don't copy and paste the article OR pleez don't just tell us about it. post the link on here so we all can go read it and comment on it. if you want, when you post the link, post your opinion with it and after we read the article we can comment also.


Post a list of topics that you want to report on. And i'm going to email the rest of the people who haven't signed on the blog i'll get that done. But, nina, meers, and p2, get your list of topics on here as soon as possible.

I want to start some time PLEEZ get that list on here. namarie.

December 02, 2003

hey guys...i just deleted a post i wrote...thought it was absolutely ridiculous. but anyway...i really think we should start another. i don't like the set up of this one.'s up to you guys..and another thing. i think we should actually give a link to the article that u guys have read. and we all have to pick some certain topics. if we cut and paste the entire's going to take up a lot of space. so just send the link. and we need to get certain topics for each one. meers could do american movies. p2 or vinu could do indain movies. i'm up for politics. war on iraq. un. economy. bush. anything. but do a topic that you like..and that you will enjoy. can do health if it interests you. but do something that interests you. send the link and your opinion on it. ok...gotta go do hw. post your opinion on this. namarie.

December 01, 2003

Hi guys!

I've been messing with the fonts, colors, and other junk. Don't worry about posting spam or junk. This site is for whatever. Another email thing...if you want to call it. And yes, the title is Latin. I found it to be very suitable...i didn't want to put on specific language i put a tribute to a language that we owe much to. and PLEEZ email me the info about the other blog, unless you just want to use this one. i would prefer a new one...but this is just for getting it started. hehe...just finished my's 2.5 pages long. double-spaced. oh....and to all orange day apush people...GOOD LUCK!!! the test is not really that hard...i'm thinking...i still don't know vinu! anyway, that's about it...unless i think up of another stupid thing to say. anyway, namarie.

well well well, i guess it does work. the thing is, we won't get much time. ah well, i suppose we'll have to find time eh? and what's with the name??? i promise this is my only spam post...


luv from nina

Hi guys! My sister advised me to go ahead and create a blog just to see how it all works. If you want, we can use this blog like email. Post whatever. Ramble. Anyway, you guys need to get back to me about the blog we are using for posting information. I want to get it up and ready as soon as possible because I feel that we could use with some stimulus anyway. So get back to me on that. Anyway, homework calls. Namarie.