January 03, 2004

I don't know if we're getting together. you decide. anyway, i had a lot of news to catch up on. a movie about the da vinci code! wow...interesting. but i really don't know if i want to see it. books are almost always screwed over when they are transferred to the screen. i dunno. and the whole north korea thing...i mean...everything that has to be said has already been said. it's going to be another iraq if bush goes and sticks his head in it. ah...i dunno. i'm going to go get an article tomorrow. it's late and i just spent a lot time writing an 18k email. go check your email. hehe. anyway, namarie.


this doesn't happen everyday...a good laugh.

December 28, 2003

sharon, sharon, ur having too much fun with math.

and what are you guys talking about not being able to see posts? if you want to see what has been posted, just go on ww88.blogspot.com. the funny thing is that if you guys publish a post, it won't show up on the website. i have to republish the entire website to have ur posts come up on the screen. weird. i need to see how your accounts look and see if it is any different than mine.

anyway, the quote: "think deeply of simple things". yeah, i think i should do that more often. we exercised our brains beautifully at our last sleepover. we thought deeply of simple things. it's interesting to see what comes out of thinking. my sister yesterday told me that once, when she was eating a pear, she stopped and thought about everything that went into making that pear. digging the soil, planting the seed, caring for it, waiting for the tree to bear fruit, plucking it, packing, and shipping it to the store. and then we finally bought it and we ate it. that pear has come a long way to be in our house. i found that to be very interesting. i usually don't think about such things, but it is disturbing that i'm not aware.

and about dean, i really do think that he's just on bush's case. my sister says he's the most conversative liberal of all, and that he's the worst candidate for the democratic nomination. i really don't know much, and i haven't had time to explore that website that was on the democratic candidates. i think it's just all part of the political campaign to get into office.

k, gotta go do apush. keep blogging! namarie.