July 23, 2004

ur talking about that huge group email thing, right? no, i don't want to be put back on there. i thought that u guys had taken me off the regular list, just us. i just didn't get any email for the longest time i thought u guys might've accidentally deleted me or something.

so, what's up? have u guys read any new books lately? tell me. we could have group discussions about book, you know...even if we aren't inclined to discuss politics mostly. but it is an important subject.

what else...p2 welcome back! and have a great trip to ohio, vinu! meers...i'll call u sometime. we're leaving for houston in a couple of hours...so...i'll call as soon as i get back. and jen, and gen, and sharon...you guys seriously need to write. u know, it's been so odd not talking to nina. she must be having a great time... i'm going to visit china one day...i'll make it part of my worldwide travels....someday...i'll be rich enough to take a break and go wandering for sometime. that would be so much fun.

after i get back, i want to start a topic that hopefully will be fun. i've had this on my mind for sometime now, but if i start writing...i'll never stop. it would be easier if we could just get together and talk...but oh well. i probably won't be able to keep contact over the weekend...so i'll write as soon as i get back, maybe monday. i'll sneak sometime time off during lunch at red cross to write. hehe...write ppl. only vinu is. this wasn't created as a two person blogger u know....

so, i keep talking. i think i'm talking more now...even though i'm by myself. that is a bit scary...oh well. perhaps i've gone insane...but i think i already was to a certain degree. oh, i'm going to shut up.


July 21, 2004

oh yeah, sanjay dutt...or however his name is spelled...yeah he doesn't look good at all...but he ACTS. thank god. oh, and F911...i think we're going sometime. hopefully soon. michael moore is a little eccentric...but nader isn't going to win so i hope this movie converted enough ppl to democrats.

Finally! thanx, vinu for replying. yeah, i should go to that website. moveon.org, right? well, i'll go after i'm finished posting. mbbs was good. but english ppl already have a movie just like that, patch adams with robin williams. same thing. almost. it's a good movie too.

i just think that both parties can go to hell and that we should get ralph nader for president. there was this program on pbs...it's called NOW...and they interviewed the author of the book called, What's the matter with Kansas? and this guy is a great analyst...he talked about why the democrats are losing votes, and why the voter percentage is so low. He talked about the Republicans and said that everyone knows their economic stance. as a true american, people would naturally vote for the democrats, because the repubs. are in favor of big business and monopolies. but the one issue that garners votes for the repubs. is the ethical/moral issue. abortion, prayer in the schools, and so on. many americans hold with republican morals and democratic economy. however, the democrats stopped defending their original stance on the economy. do you remember during the clinton administration, when clinton signed a deal with canada that would transfer many of the jobs up north? i forgot what that deal was called, but that guy was saying that the losses the democrats are having are self-inflicted. since they stopped defending their economic stance, they can't even fight back with the moral/ethical issue since they are much more liberal with it. one other interesting thing that this guy said is that he is suprised that republicans are still getting votes because although they support prayer in the schools, and no abortion, they haven't passed anything in congress that would validate their position. they have had no victories in that area, and yet people still vote for them. i was excited that actually understood what this guy was saying...apush helped a lot. i felt smart...hehe.

wow...long paragraph. i just remembered that guy. i wish i could see the interview again...he spoke well.

well, what else. edwards isn't that bad...kerry is just weird, bush stinks, and cheney is just beyond me. i've given up on this country. this place is hopeless. if i could, i would turn my efforts and attention to other countries. this place is so absorbed in itself. sometimes, problems here seem so trivial to other conflicts. well, whatever.

well, vinu, have a good time in ohio. nobody else is bothering to reply...genevieve, jen, sharon, where they heck are you guys? it's like i haven't seen u the entire summer, which i haven't. write, guys!

i really don't know what else u wrote about that i should reply to, so i'll go and check that website. oh, your volunteer work. you get to work with artists....how cool. this red cross stuff goes fine. i'm going to miss not going there...school will start soon. it's become a habit...this summer is slipping from my fingers...it went too fast. ah...well, gotta go. namarie.

July 19, 2004

sorry guys for not posting. it's just been so busy....oh well. my brain has turned to soup and i can't think properly anymore.
vinu, sorry, but i'm totally lost on the whole saddam thing. they're sending him back? back where? all i heard was that he went on trial.
F9/11...hm...i haven't seen it yet...and i don't seem to be getting any email either. maybe i got taken off the list by accident or something. i check my email but i don't have anything.
geez...you know...my brain is grinding itself up. have you ever wondered about the entire vastness of this universe...sorry...but i've been reading sci-fi books lately. think about the technology in the future...what life would be like in a century...
you know...there is so much i want to do and so little time do at least a couple of them. oh, i can't even begin to explain. you guys have to read ender's game. it's a GREAT book. but it's sci-fi...so i don't think u guys will read it. but it is a good book...i wish we would get it for english class...
oh, why bother...i can't even write anymore. why talk(or write!) if you can't improve upon the silence? sorry...just felt like writing that...no idea. i'm lost...well...people write something. any topic. anything.
i can't think...oh geez. school in less than a month. where did the summer go? through my fingers and out of the window. ugh. oh well.