January 12, 2004

hehe...sorry...it was the article in time...which i still haven't read yet...sorry for the confusion. and lotr...what can i say. omg...the score for this one was AMAZING. shore...has outdone himself. that's totally screwed up grammar but i'm not concerned. ah...digital fortress! who has it? i desperately want to read it. so cough up, whoever has it....(you can see hp has not gone away yet...suprising)

anyway, i have an article.


mentions the u.n. another committee. big deal. it's not like they get anything accomplished. oh, and btw, my fellow delegate and the delegates from u.k., i think we should table the resolution and just write another one. people HAVE brought up good points...and like p2 said...it would take less time to write another one than to amend this one...so...that's just my opinion.

today's meeting was pointless...again...and again...and again. the u.n. should be given more authority. or get better people who don't sit around creating new committees for every topic they discuss. ahh...ok. hw calls. and i'm seriously screwed. namarie.

January 11, 2004

no, i don't think that dan brown is up to that point yet. and seriously, then we'd HAVE to dedicate this blog to rowling, tolkien, and a host of other writes, so we could just add the phrase "and to our favorite writers". just a thought. there would be too many names.

SHARON! how, how, how, how? hamilton and webster! well...i wouldn't say that hamilton is the rock foundation of the financial status of the nation. the debt yes, but not the banks. the national bank was destroyed, remember? i would think that hamilton's bank would have served the purpose until the frontier ran out. i really don't think this nation could run on a federal bank. it really does have too much power. it's a wonderful idea, but it doesn't suit modern needs. but otherwise, hamilton was a genius. can't say anything else but that. and webster, well...who can't like webster? you just get to love these ppl, don't you? you can't HELP but feel a certain attachment to certain ppl. i mean, after what they did, and judging them relative to others, i would say that hamilton, webster, washington, and lincoln were the only great ppl in the entire apush readings we've done. i really admire washington for what he did and how he helped pull the nation into one after the rev. war. and lincoln and his war to bring the nation back together. i really admire lincoln...a very cool guy. they had a special on lincoln and his wife...and omg, i don't think i've ever read about someone who had so much common sense. i could use some. hehe..

anyway, here's an article:

i really don't know who bush is kidding. we've had a jobless recovery and he thinks that the tax cuts are helping it. i mean, the stock markets have gone up, but with no jobs. i think that ppl would value jobs over taxes. i really don't know what he's thinking.

OMG. i just got another article. bush is the most conniving president ever! read this.

he's trying to get the catholic votes. it will be a sad tale if these voters actually fall for him. i don't think i can stand another 4 years of this guy. ugh. ugh. ugh. really, i'm quite disgusted.

ok, hw calls seriously. namarie.