December 10, 2003's some news.

it's about one of the senior officials of Saddam. he was killed by american soldiers today. but...this article was really biased. i mean they seemed so sure that saddam's sons were killed in july...but they could have been doubles for all we know. but then again, it would'nt have appealed to the masses because people don't like to think that this was unjustified in the first place. the media plays on our fears. we're not getting even a small amount of the stuff that's really going on. we'd have to read iraqi news or something. we've got such a biased view. but whoever wrote this...they've got strong national feeling...or they just don't want to be criticized. and we aren't making the best impressions on the iraqi people either. they all hate us now. we haven't given them anything they've promised. all that's happened is that saddam was driven out of power...all their homes and lives have been destroyed. if anything...their life was probably a little better on the day to day basis than now. yes, they are free...but with the country in's probably just as worse.


read this article:

we seriously need more women out there like her. axis of evil indeed. bush is a danger to himself. he'd better watch it if he ever tries to visit iraq again. do any of you guys know if u.s. is part of the u.n.? i heard somewhere that it wasn't. i'm not really sure anymore. maybe i should go check their website...but really. if u.s. is part of the u.n. they do need to comply with the resolutions they pass. but even so...the u.n. is helpless in the eyes of the world. they have no power. signing of a piece of paper literally means nothing. i mean...any of these countries could break the rules at any time. there's no way to get everyone to listen either. ppl are just so stubborn. oh well. gotta go do hw. namarie.

wow...that IS scary. i hope nobody's social security number and all that was breached. ugh. but again this america. so many loopholes in the system. we need more effective leaders. it also seemed that who ever they interviewed but so lax about the breach. she said, oh we could have figured it out in a day or two. one day could be enough to download all the numbers and screw over everything. ah...need to go onto bbc and find some news. dadgummit...i forgot to check yahoo. oh well...better go now. namarie.

December 08, 2003

FINALLY VINU! ok...i've found an interesting article. i found it quite interesting..i tried these phrases and it actually worked..soo go read the article. here's the site:

oh, btw, it's about bush.

and another article. about the economy and it's "jobless recovery". here's the site:

i don't know why the economy isn't regaining the jobs it lost. did you hear about how bush cut the tariff for the steel industry? i don't know...i don't know if the people who have jobs are spending more or what. it's really odd that the economy is recovering but there's no growth in the labor force. some industries are still cutting jobs too. so much for bush's economic plan. anyway...oh..geez...haven't started hw yet. screwed. yeah..well gotta go. sigh..didn't get to write all that i wanted. oh well. namarie.